Why is a 50% milling rate not a Daiginjo?

  If you love sake as much us, you must have come across a one that as 50% milling rate yet it's designated a Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo. Don't worry its not a misprint, and here is why.

  A Junmai Daiginjo/Daiginjo can be considered as a Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo, but a Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo can not be considered as Junmai Daiginjo/Daiginjo.

  Confused? Let me explain.

(Here is a label from Soutenbou Purple Snake Junmai Ginjo Orikarami Dry Nama 2020 想天坊 蛇逃 藤蛇 純米吟醸 おりがらみ 辛口 生酒, designating a 50% milling rate as Junmai Ginjo 純米吟醸) 


  To understand this concept we first need to know the standards for rice milling rate for Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo and Junmai Daiginjo/Daiginjo, like so:

  • Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo: is sake that uses rice that has been milled to 60% or less.
  • Junmai Daiginjo/Daiginjo: is sake that uses rice that has been milled to 50% or less.

  Since the standards for rice milling rate states that a Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo uses rice that has been milled to 60% or less, a sake with a 50% milling rate (like a Junmai Daiginjo/Daiginjo) can be considered a Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo. But on the other hand, a sake that has a milling rate that ranges from 51 to 60% (like a Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo) can not be considered as a Junmai Daiginjo/Daiginjo since it doesn't abide with the standards for rice milling rate.

Here are some of the sake that we have that holds a 50% milling rate with a Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo designation: 

Price: $220.00


Price: $280.00

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