Warming sake is like decanting matured wine, it opens up the sake and reveals subtle flavors that would otherwise hidden if it is chilled. Keep in mind not all sake are suitable for warming, and for those which are here’s our tips.
基本(適合餐廳環境) The Basics (suitable for restaurant settings):
We recommend warming sake by using a wine bucket/ice bucket, adding hot water and placing the whole bottle of sake in the bucket for 5 to 10 minutes. Your target temperature should be around 45°C-50°C, or like a hot soup doesn’t burn the tongue.
進階方法 The Alternative :
Pour the desired sake into a carafe then place into a hot water bath.
常見的清酒建議飲用溫度 Common recommended serving temperature:
常見錯誤 Common Mistakes
- 不建議用微波爐加熱,會影響酒質及容易過熱。We do not recommend using a microwave to warm up sake. Why? According to a Toji who makes excellent warm sake using a microwave will destroy the molecular structure of the sake. It is also difficult to control the temperature of the sake.
-不建議直接把清酒直接煮熱。Boiling directly in a pan is also not recommended.
People say when you warm a sake the alcohol would evaporate, this isn’t entirely true. Alcohol evaporates at 78°C and so warming sake by our recommendations will make sure the temperature won’t evaporate the alcohol.
Our sakes that can be served warm