The Toji Series (Vintage 1999 BY02)
杜氏系列是大阪首款限量版古酒混釀。唯有將4度奪金的冠軍清酒「大門35純米大吟醸」,與擁有22年酒齡的陳年古酒相結合,才能調製出如此風味獨特的混釀。它完美地呈現了清酒的魅力所在,將大門酒造的核心追求——旨味,發揮得淋漓盡致!杜氏系列除了印證兩代杜氏的職人實力,亦是對悠久釀酒歷史的一次致敬。更幸運的是,本次推介「杜氏系列 - 初號純米大吟醸」只是全系列中的頭陣,日後更多限量精選陸續有來!
這個限量版系列以雪松木盒包裝,並以清雅純白的swing-top酒瓶盛載。每支「杜氏系列 - 初號純米大吟釀」均被編上彰顯身份的獨特編號,並由大門康隆先生親自題筆簽名,極具收藏價值。這款清酒更是專門為熟成而設。即使不想即時享用,亦可將之置於瓶內,以酒櫃保存並繼續熟成。
- 烤肉
- 黑松露
- 西班牙火腿
- 濃口味芝士
米品種 |
兵庫山田錦 |
精米歩合 |
50 %以下 |
酒精濃度 |
18% |
甘辛度 |
略帶甘口 |
清酒四類分類法 |
醇酒 |
日本酒度 |
-5 |
產地 |
大阪府 |
飲用溫度 |
13°C - 23°C |
More often than not, you will come across certain "specialist" terms used on sake labels.
Here is a short list for your ease of reference. If you come across to any terms which you don't understand on any sake purchased from us, please feel free to contact us, we are more than happy to assist.
古酒 Ko Shu: |
This is aged sake. Not all sake can be aged and the result depends largely on the aging conditions. Although most aged sake becomes "sherry" like, there are some which are aged in ice cold conditions becomes dryer and richer in flavour. Because of the wide variety of results, it is best to consult with our sake specialist before buying a bottle of Ko Shu.
濁り Nigori |
Also know as "cloudy sake". In nigori sake, the sake is passed through a coarser mesh allowing some of the lees (rice remnants) to pass through. The taste of nigori sake is less refined and more textured and rich. It goes very well with spicy food (such as Korean kimchi dishes).
原酒 Genshu |
Usually water is added to the pressed sake, thereby the alcohol level is diluted to 16 to 18%. For Genshu, water has not been added and the alcohol level will be around 20%, the natural rate for sake.
貴醸酒 Kijoushu: |
Normally water is added to sake after fermentation. For kijoushu, some sake is used in place of some of the water added. The result is a rich, dessert like sake that is often aged/. Many compares this with sherry and port.
生酒 Nama Shu: |
Sake is usually pasteurized twice, once before storing in a tank and one before bottling. Nama shu is unpasteurised sake and must be stored in refrigerator.
生貯蔵 Nama Chozo |
Nama Chozo means that the sake is not pasteurized before storage in a tank, but is pasteurized before bottling.
生卸 /生詰 Nama Oroshi/ Nama Zume : |
Nama Zume is pasteurized before storage in a tank but not pasteurized again before bottling.
ふなしぼり Funashibori : |
After fermentation, sale is pressed. There are different methods of pressing, which will yield different tasting sake. Funashibori is sake pressed in a traditional wooden box and not with a pressing machine.
雫 Shizuku: |
Shizuku is sake "pressed" by allowing it to drip from cotton bags, with no pressure applied. It is more time consuming and costly than other pressing methods
あらばしり Arabashiri : |
After fermentation, sale is pressed. There are different methods of pressing, which will yield different tasting sake. Arabashiri is the first one third of the sake yield, which run off under the pull of gravity alone when pressing with a fune or wooden box.
中取り Nakadori: |
Nakadori is the "middle" yield of the sake. It is the next third of the sake yield after arabashiri. This is often considered the best.
責め Seme: |
Seme is the "final" yield of the sake. It is the last third of the sake after nakadori. It often considered the least desirable due to it's deep bitter taste.
斗ビン(斗瓶)囲い Toubin-gakoi: |
Sake is put in 18 litre bottles (called "toubin") when pressed. This term implies that the sake is pressed with a wooden box ("fune") or drip pressed ("shizuku")
We will add to this list as it goes.